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Control your smartphone addiction with Google’s new apps

Google is so serious about the “Digital Wellbeing” initiative that it has launched new digital wellbeing experiments on Android and they are all available for free to download as apps. The idea is to cut down the usage of a smartphone in our lives and be more productive.

The apps are a sort of experiment, and Google wants you to try. These apps can be downloaded on any Android smartphone (no Android 10 required).

Unlock Clock

Unlock Clock is essentially a wallpaper that displays the number of times you’ve unlocked your phone throughout the day. Users can access the wallpaper in the Google Wallpapers app, and it will basically show a number of the screen for every device unlock. This way you know how many times during the day you pick up your device. Download Unlock Clock from the Google Play store.

Desert Island

Next up is Desert Island. It basically lets you pick up those apps that you need to use. This way you will be able to choose and pick only seven apps, while the rest are hidden – though it is still possible to use them if you need them. The good about this app is that it challenges users to stay like this for 24 hours. Desert Island is available for free on the Google Play Store.


The idea behind this app to use a single launcher that can make your smartphone a little less annoying. Morph essentially changes the launcher when you want it. Users can create different modes and assign apps to be available in those modes. Morph is available to download for free from the Google Play Store.

Post Box

Post Box helps you manage notifications the way you want. The app essentially blocks notifications from appearing during the day, allowing you to choose a specific time, or up to four times, during the day. Download Post Box for free from the Google Play Store.


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