South Indian actress kajal Agarwal has made it clear that she will not work again with actor turned director Deepak Tijori. Kajal said this in TV show.
Kajal Agarwal revelaed that she took this decision has raised as Deepak has took bedroom scenes in the Hindi film in which she was the female lead. The actress slammed that it was director who is responsible for the scenes.
The Hindi film ‘Do Lafzon Ki Kahani’ directed by Deepak Tijroi was released in 2016. The film starring Randeep Hooda and Kajal Agarwal ignited controversy for many of its intimate scenes.
kajal Agarwal confessed about her mental agony in doing those scenes in a Television Talk show. She said that she was not interested in doing those scenes. It was director’s decision to picture those scenes. The actress also informed that she will no do another film with him.
At the time of shooting a controversy was also aroused by Kajal. In shooting a kissing scene er co-star Randeep Hooda has kissed her impromptu.
The film was a remake of Korean film ‘Always’.