West Bengal BJP chief Dilip Ghosh has said that milk of Indian cows contains gold and also provided evidence for it claiming the yellowish tint is due to the gold dissolved in milk.
Dilip also had explanations on how gold gets into the milk. He said awakening his listeners “The Indian cows have humps, which the foreign cows don’t have. The foreign cow has a straight back, like a buffalo. The hump has an artery, called ‘swarnanari’ (gold artery). When sunlight falls on it, gold is made. The West Bengal BJP chief was delivering his speech at a program organized by Ghosh and Gavi Kalyan Samiti in Burdwan Town Hall.
Dilip Ghosh also lashed out at controversial subject of Beef saying beef eaters are ‘Anti-socials’.”We revere cows like just like we rever our mothers. When we leave mother’s milk, we survive on cow’s milk. Now if anyone does harm to my mother, what will I do to them? These people should be looked at in the same way.”It is a heinous crime to insult, kill cows, and eat beef in the holy land of India. We will look upon them as anti-social,” he added.
The indigenous Indian breed Vechur does not have a hump.
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