Aries (March 21-April 20): Excelling in your favorite subject is indicated on the academic front. Condition of someone close can show rapid improvement. A windfall can be expected as money flows in. A pending project will be put back on the tracks through your endeavors. Differences in marital life cannot be ruled out.
Taurus (April 21-May 20): Good news on the family front may delight you no end. Staying ahead of rivals on the academic front is foretold. Health remains satisfactory. You will take care of an outstanding loan by repaying it as quickly as possible. A job switch needs to be considered taking all aspects into consideration.
Gemini (May 21-Jun 21): Renting a property that is closer to workplace is possible for some. Don’t take matters lightly on the academic front, as you can be in for an unpleasant surprise. You will manage the financial front most competently. Your innovative ideas on the professional front are likely to be well received. You will proud of the achievements of a family youngster. Stars don’t appear too favorable on the travel front.
Cancer (Jun 22-July 22): Travelling to a new location is on the cards for some. A property issue is likely to be resolve amicably. Your own efforts on the academic front will make things work for you. You are likely to be recognized for your efforts on the professional front.
Leo (July 23-August 23): Your expectations from someone in the family may be dashed by his or her negative response. Those setting out on a long journey should take all precautions. This is not the day to either sell or buy property. Positive developments on the academic front promise to keep you in a happy state of mind. Carelessness on the monetary front may cost you heavy. A lot of loose ends will be tied up on the work front, as you get the time.
Virgo (August 24-September 23): You may spend as much as you like now, but this will certainly not have a good effect on your financial stability later. Family may accompany you to an overseas destination, as you combine business with pleasure. Gains are foreseen in a property deal. Impressing important people on the academic front is likely to be the result of your consistent efforts.
Libra (September 24-October 23): It is best not to undertake a journey with people you are not comfortable with. Property matters get sorted out. Innovative ideas and intelligent application of mind will win the day for you on the academic front. You may need to be a realist as far as finances are concerned, especially in the present times. Those playing the stocks are likely to hit it rich.
Scorpio (October 24-November 22):Taking short-cuts on the academic front is not recommended. You will manage to stick to your plan for repaying a loan without default. Some of you are likely to overstep the deadline for a job, but luck will be on your side
Sagittarius (November 23-December 21): You will need to keep up your pace on the academic front. You may find yourself in financial doldrums, if you don’t cut corners. Those not in a stable job can expect permanency.
Capricorn (December 22-January 21): Teaming up with someone for studies will be in your favour. Financially good times are just round the corner for those feeling the pinch. Things at work will go according to plans and you will be able to achieve much.
Aquarius (January 22-February 19): A piece of good news awaits some on the academic front. Acquiring the habit of always conserving money will stand you in good stead on the financial front. Professionally, you are likely to make a mark by your sheer brilliance!
Pisces (February 20-March 20): Religious minded can plan a pilgrimage. Not understanding the urgency on the academic front may cost you dear, so remain in touch of the developments. Earning on the side will help achieve financial independence. An opportunity to improve your professional skills must not be missed.
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