Popular singer Neha Kakkar had an awkward moment on the stage of the singing reality show during the recent episode titled Desh?Ki?Awaaz. In the latest promo of the show, we see host Aditya Narayan and Neha Kakkar dancing to the tunes of Dilbar Dilbar. Mid way through the dance routine, he takes Neha by her hand but loses grip of her hand and she falls down.
However, she continues dancing with him even after that which shows a very sporting attitude of her. Judges Anu Malik and Vishal Dadlani were also seen having a hearty laugh and continued cheering the two along with the contestants. Check out the video below:
.@VishalDadlani and @iAmNehaKakkar set the stage on fire! Watch #IndianIdol #DeshKiAwaaz, this weekend at 8 PM #IndianIdol11 @The_AnuMalik pic.twitter.com/3gWt6hLbiX
— Sony TV (@SonyTV) November 8, 2019
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