The Congress General Secretary Priyanka Gandhi took a sharp jibe at Modi government.Commenting on the deep economic slow down she said that the youth is asking those responsible in the government for clarity in the matter ,but the government is unresponsive for their queries.
She tweeted “The common Indian asks the authorities,especially finance minister for clarification in the deep economic slow down.Factories closing,Jobs losing,But those responsible to give answers are keeping mum.Why?”. She shared a report that states the auto sector suffered the steepest nose dive recorded in the past 19 years and the possibility of 10 lakh people losing jobs in the sector.
Priyanka also commented on a paper clipping which depicts the Unnavo rape, accused Kuldeep Singh Singhor is seen giving independance day wishes together with many BJP leaders.She said “CBI had given the report,Supreme court had rejected him,but rape accused Kuldeep still rules the hearts of BJP leader ship.They take photos with him,What comments are they then expecting?”
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