CPM general secretary Sitaram Yechury hit out at the BJP over Devendra Fadnavis’ swearing-in as Chief Minister in hurry and said a delay in floor test will lead to horse-trading in Maharashtra.”The longer time BJP gets for floor test, the longer it gets an opportunity for its horse-trading. The opportunity should not be provided to the BJP. A floor test should be conducted at the earliest,” Yechury said.
While speaking at the Supreme Court direction at NCP-Shiv Sena-Congress plea, the CPM leader said the court should examine the validity of Devendra Fadnavis and Ajit Pawar taking oath as Chief Minister and Deputy Chief Minister.
“I understand that the Supreme Court is examining the validity of the swearing-in of this government. If that is the case, then it is a larger agenda. What should be done is — yes examining the validity but do not delay the floor test,” he said.
Earlier today, the Supreme Court, while hearing a joint plea by NCP-Congress-Shiv Sena, asked Devendra Fadnavis, Ajit Pawar, and the Centre to produce relevant documents and letters of support from MLAs by 10 am on Monday.
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