The social media messaging platform ‘Telegram’ is a safe haven for the criminals, revealed Kerala police. The Kerala police informed this in the Kerala High Court.
The Kerala police’s Cyberdome operation officer informed the court in an affidavit that users of the app do not need to furnish their original name or mobile phone number to register for accessing it. Criminals engaging in cyber crime use this facility and carry out fraudulent activities hiding their original identity.The app was being widely used for propagating pornographic materials and committing financial and credit card frauds.
A user of Telegram app could hide his registered mobile number even from the admins of groups or channels and could still be able to sent text, images, videos or files anonymously. It also supported secret chat.The servers of the app were abroad and they did not provide any support to law enforcement agencies.
The police also informed that there was a need to bring such applications under the law of the country.
The police informed this on a petition seeking a ban on Telegram, submitted by Atheena Solomon from Kozhikode. The petitioner alleged that child abuse and terrorism contents were made available on the platform.
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