The Iranian President Hassan Rouhani on Tuesday urged the formation of a special court for the trial of negligent shooting down of a Ukranian passenger plane killing all 176 onboard. “All those responsible for negligence should be punished. The world is looking over us “, Rouhani was quoted as saying. Iran announced arrests on the downing of Ukranian plane early on Tuesday.
“For our people, it is very important in this incident that anyone who was at fault or negligent at any level” face justice, he said in a televised speech. The Iranian people also got to the streets for a third consecutive day protesting the authorities handling of the air disaster. The people were irked by the govt’s denial of accepting the responsibility of the attack. Iran regime fiddled without accepting the responsibility after Western countries took the US intelligence report that ‘unintentional’ firing of Iran led to a mid-air explosion of the Boeing flight.
Reports say that the flight was over a military establishment and the panic-struck Iranian forces shot the plane down.
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