The unemployment rate in India is now making a 45-year record touching 6.1 percent as per the periodic labor force survey conducted by National Sample Survey Office(NSSO). Despite the efforts by the government to produce more jobs the unemployment rate continues to rise in India making it one of the biggest challenges facing the Modi led union government. Though the government denies the 45-year peak record of unemployment blaming the statistics department’s new scale which exaggerates the figures, another report from NCRB outlines a reality that cannot be denied-‘death’.
The National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) records an unusually high suicide rate among the unemployed and the self-employed category. The figures are drastically high even when compared to farmer suicides, which is considered as a social problem in the country. As per the report, 35 unemployed and 36 self-employed Indians end their lives every day. This data is of the fiscal year 2018 and the actual figures now would be alarming as the rate is showing a steep upward trend. More than 26,000 people had suicide deaths in 2018 only in these two categories not accounting the farmer and other suicides which are now considered a social problem.
Expert sociologists suggest unemployment suicides should be urgently taken to consideration as a social issue, as no suicide is out of the scope of the society.
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