Veteran Bollywood actor Jackie Shroff will share screen space with his son Tiger Shroff for first time. The father and the son will seen together in ‘Baaghi 3’.
“Everyone has been waiting to see Tiger team up with his Hero, father Jackie since we launched him. There have been plenty of speculations, but no one has been able to bring them together in the last six years as the duo was categorical that they would only share the screen when a film and role merited their presence. Ahmed and I feel the storyline required Jackie to be a part of the film and our visions matched because it’s a pivotal role”, said Sajid Nadiadwala, the producer of the film.
‘Baaghi 3’ directed by Ahmed Khan is the third franchise of Bollywood film ‘Baaghi’. As per reports Jackie Shroff will play the role of a police officer in the film. Ritesh Deshmukh and Tiger Shroff will play his sons in the film.
Shraddha Kapoor and Ankita Lokhande plays the female lead in the film. The film will be released in march 2020.
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