Bollywood super star Akshay Kumar will team up with Tamil actor Dhanush and Sara Ali Khan for his next film. The film directed by Anand L Rai is titled ‘Atrangi Re’. ‘Atrangi Re’ will have equal prominence to all the three lead actors – Sara Ali Khan, Akshay Kumar and Dhanush.
Aanand L Rai is well known for his films like ‘Tanu Weds Manu’, ‘Tanu Weds Manu: Returns’ and ‘Zero’.Anand L Rai has directed ‘Raanjhanaa’, which was the Bollywood debut film of Dhanush. ‘Raanjhanaa’ released in 2013 was a blockbuster.
‘Atrangi Re’ is scripted by National award winner Himanshu Sharma.
AR Rahman is the music director of the film. T Series, Colour Yellow Productions and Cape of Good Films will be bankrolling the film. Shoot is scheduled to begin on March 1.
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