Actress Shabana Azmi returned home on Saturday after being admitted at Mumbai’s Kokilaben Ambani Hospital for over two weeks. The 69-year-old actress was hospitalised on January 18 after she met with an accident on the Mumbai-Pune Express in Maharashtra’s Raigad district and suffered head injuries, reported news agency PTI. On Saturday, Shabana Azmi shared a photo of her and gave her fans an update about her recovery. She thanked them for all their “prayers and wishes” and tweeted: “Thank you all for your prayers and wishes for my recovery. I’m back home now.” Shabana also expressed gratitude to the team of doctors who treated her. “Thank you Tina Ambani and Kokilaben Ambani Hospital for the sterling care provided by the doctors team and the nursing staff. I’m indebted and grateful,” she added.
Shabana Azmi’s husband and lyricist Javed Akhtar was also there in the vehicle but he did not suffer injuries. Shabana Azmi’s car rammed into a truck near Raigad’s Khalapur and her driver has been booked for rash driving and negligence, reported PTI.
Thank you all for your prayers and wishes for my back home now Thank you #Tina Ambani and Kokilaben Ambani hospital for the sterling care provided by the doctors team and the nursing staff. Im indebted and grateful?
— Azmi Shabana (@AzmiShabana) February 1, 2020
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