Raghuraj Singh, a senior BJP leader and who holds a rank equivalent to minister of state in Uttar Pradesh has demanded that burqa should be banned in the country. He said that its poses a threat to country as terrorists use it.
“The burqa helps terrorists, thieves and anti-socials elements to hide behind it.” “Burqa is a threat to national security and has to be banned to crush terrorism” said Singh.
The BJP leader also said that the Muslim women who wore burqa are Surpanakha’s sisters. Singh claimed that Surpanakha, the sister of Ravana has fled to Arabian desert after Lord Rama chopped her nose and ears. She used to wear burqa after this claimed the BJP leader.
“In Mecca, a shivalinga was set up by Guru Shukracharya, who was the guru of devils, and from there the burqa tradition started. This is Hindustan and it will be run as per traditions of the Hindus. This is our wish”, added Singh.
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