Speaking at an event, UP minister Raghuraj Singh said that Muslim women wear burqa because they are descendants of Surpanakha (the sister of Ravana mythical multi-headed demon king). Besides, Singh also claimed that burqas were being used by ‘terrorists’ to conceal their identity, apparently in reference to protests by women protesting against amended citizenship act.
The minister further explained that wearing a burqa started in Arabian countries and is not an Indian custom. He added India should ban its use and pointed out that even Sri Lanka had banned it after a series of bomb blasts ripped the country last year, leaving many dead and injuring scores of people.
“The system of burqa has come from Arab. They hide their face because Lord Lakshman had cut off their ears and nose. They wear burqas because they are the descendants of the demon. Only the descendants of demons can wear a burqa. No ordinary person can wear a burqa. I would also appeal to the country’s government to ban burqas because terrorists enter our country, wearing burqas. So, my fellow citizens, we have to unite because it is necessary to eliminate these goons”, a leading portal quoted Singh as saying.
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