Yuvraj Singh, former Indian cricketer, is all set to come in a web series along with his wife Hazel Keech and brother Zoravar Singh. The series will have Zoravar playing the lead character. The project is backed by Assam based Dream House Productionz. Their mother Shabnam Singh is also associated with the project, who said in a press conference that she is excited about the same.
”The world will get to see the real Yuvraj Singh and Zoravar Singh. The central character of the web series is focused on my younger son Zoravar and as a mother, I am proud of both my sons and daughter-in-law,” Shabnam said.
Bollywood scriptwriter Vipin Uniyal, who has written Akshay Kumar’s upcoming movie “Bachchan Pandey”, has also joined the project.
Several other Bollywood actors are expected to join the cast, Sarma said.
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