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Author Dan brown to come up with picture book

Popular and celeberated author Dan Brown will make his picture book debut and talkabout big value whale, speedy cheetahs, tiny beetles, graceful swans and their secrets.

Dan Brown who had penned down “The Da Vinci Code”, “Inferno”, “The Lost Symbol”, “Angels & Demons”, “Deception Point”, “Digital Fortress”, and “Origin” will make his release worldwide on September 1 which will have illustrations by Hungarian graphic designer Susan Batori.

The book, published by Penguin Random House, will take readers through the trees and across the seas with Maestro Mouse and his musical friends.

Dan Brown is fond of writing about puzzles and codes, and in this book too, Maestro Mouse leaves for the readers a hiding buzzy bee, jumbled letters that spell out clues, and even a coded message to solve.

The publishers called it a “mindful, humorous, musical, and uniquely entertaining” book.

“Children and adults can enjoy this timeless picture book as a traditional read-along, or can choose to listen to original musical compositions as they read – one for each animal – using a free interactive smartphone app which uses augmented reality to instantly play the appropriate song for each page when the camera of a mobile device is held over it,” a statement said.



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