Big Boss 3 season winner Rahul Sipligunj was allegedly attacked by a group of persons during a drunken brawl at Prism pub late on Wednesday night in Gachibowli of Cyberabad. The attackers believed to be close relatives of an MLA from Vikarabad district, attacked Rahul with beer bottles and injured him, when he questioned them allegedly passing comments at his female friend. Rahul had come to the pub with two friends when the incident happened.
Though he did not lodge a complaint with police on the incident, the Gachibowli police registered a case on complaint of the night patrolling teams, who rushed to the venue on the information.
According to sources, Rahul along with two other women were at the pub. While the party was going on, a group of people started passing comments to Rahul’s friend. Rahul noticed this and went to question them. This led to an argument and the group surrounded him and attacked him with beer bottles. Bouncers present at the pub tried to intervene, but the situation was out of control, forcing them to call the police.
Night patrolling teams rushed to the spot and controlled the situation. Further Rahul was taken to a nearby private hospital, where he was treated with first aid. Though he did not lodge a complaint on the incident, Gachibowli police registered a case and started investigation. They have collected CCTV footage from the pub and are verifying the details of the incident.
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