Malayalam news channel Asianet and Media One’s ban were lifted on Saturday morning by the Information and Broadcasting Ministry. The channels were imposed with bans for covering the Delhi riots last week.
The two news channels were taken off air at 7:30 pm on Friday, and were supposed to be able to resume broadcast only at 7:30 pm on 8 March.
MediaOne still remains under the ban, say reports.
Media One and Asianet News TV were earlier issued a show cause notice and after they filed their replies, the ministry “found them to be in violation” of the Programme Code prescribed under the Cable Television Networks (Regulation) Act, 1995.
The decision made overnight by the ministry did not go well with anybody. Twitter and other social medias criticized the step while comparing to the times of Emergency.
Instead of banning Malayalam channels it is high time the Ministry of Information& Broadcasting itself-_relic of independence era, dinosaur in era of free information_is speedily shut down. #ShutdownI&BMinistry #Malayalam #Asianet #MediaOne #ResistMediaBan
— Sagarika Ghose (@sagarikaghose) March 7, 2020
How on earth can Malayalam channels inflame communal passions in Delhi? Whereas the truly vicious propaganda channels like Ré-pubic & TimesCow continue their brazen distortions w/impunity. @asianetnewstv& @MediaOneTVLive are fine independent media. #LiftTheBan now. https://t.co/0eVQBbRKPx
— Shashi Tharoor (@ShashiTharoor) March 6, 2020
Breaking now: Ministry of I and B bans Asianet and Media 1, both Malyalam channels for 48 hours, for their reporting on Delhi riots. Any action against govt mouthpiece channels?
— Rajdeep Sardesai (@sardesairajdeep) March 6, 2020
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