“Laws must be formulated based on the needs of the people instead of framing laws and forcing people into its framework.”,Actor Vijay said at the audio launch of ‘Master’ held on Sunday evening.The ‘Master’ audio launch was also restricted to just cast and crew members at a private event, keeping in mind the coronavirus scare that is rampant across the country.
Vijay first ascended the stage and broke into an impromptu dance with Shanthanu Bhagyaraj and Anirudh Ravichander.
Beginning his speech with his now-famous ‘En nenjil kudi irukkum” line, he stated that he was deeply upset that his fans couldn’t be invited to the launch.
“Due to the incidents that happened during the Bigil event (during which some fans were injured) and the safety measures followed (due to the coronavirus spread), we had to do a private event. I am sorry, and thank you as always.”
Praising Anirudh for an excellent score, the actor then revealed he wondered why co-star Vijay Sethupathi agreed to play the villain in ‘Master’. “Sethupathi has now become a person who cannot be ignored. I went and asked him myself, and he shut me down replying, ‘it’s because I like you very much.’ Vijay Sethupathi doesn’t just share my name, but has also given space for me in his heart.”
Vijay also returned Sethupathi’s earlier kiss on the sets, with a return smooch to his cheek at the end of the event.He also thanked co-producers Jagdish and Lalit and his uncle Xavier Britto who is the main producer of ‘Master’, and then termed director Lokesh Kanagaraj a ‘small wonder’ : “He used to work in a bank and do short films in his free time, and then suddenly came up with such a complicated film like Maanagaram.
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