As the coronavirus outbreak is spreading all over the world, Bollywood superstar Amitabh Bachchan has came forward sharing a precautionary video on how to combat the deadly virus infection.
“Each of us needs to make that effort for each of us .. Be safe, Be well”, he captioned the video. The actor also expressed his thoughts and concern in his blog also.
T 3470 – Each of us needs to make that effort for each of us ..
Be safe ! Be well !!Video Courtesy : @archohm @Sourabharchohm @TDV_India @IndiaDfi pic.twitter.com/Dk72na6WdM
— Amitabh Bachchan (@SrBachchan) March 15, 2020
“In times of uncertainty, in times of the unknown, in times of the lack of information and direction .. be safe , be in care and be strong .. and be in precaution. It has been quite remarkable to experience the care affection and concern from the entire human universe .. a coming together to battle, to fight, against a common enemy. Rarely has there been occasion when the humaneness of the human has displayed uniformity .. we may be in different colour, caste, creed, religion, belief, language or territory .. each one of us in its spontaneity has extended voluntarily that hand of hope succour and suggestive help to one and all .. the emotion , the intent is deliberate and with just one goal .. be safe .. be alive and live”, BIG B wrote on his blog.
T 3471 – Rarely has there been occasion when the humaneness of the human displayed uniformity .. we may be different colour, caste, creed, religion, belief, language or territory .. each of us in spontaneity has extended voluntarily that hand of hope succour & suggestive help !
— Amitabh Bachchan (@SrBachchan) March 16, 2020
, “Humanity has destroyed , plundered, annihilated, killed mercilessly their own .. but today they all .. ALL .. wish and pray and we live and survive and be together in this hour of trial …NATURE , has proved to us all .. that it is SUPREME .. no other power or force on this planet, known or unknown shall ever be able to replace it”, he added.
“We have all developed our own beliefs , our own Gods, our own religions, our own forces of belief and our own followings .. it came because we were unable to fathom what and how .. HOW .. the universe and we and all about us were created and HOW we exist .. So we succumbed .. gave in to that supreme being .. that supreme force .. sublimated ourselves in divine servility .. and lived in the peaceful reassuring shadow of what we designed as our CREATION .. or CREATOR .”, the actor wrote.
T 3470 – To all Ef and well wishers an earnest request !PLEASE DO NOT COME TO JALSA GATE TODAY .. SUNDAY MEET am not going to come !
Take PRECAUTIONS .. be safe
Sunday ?? ????? Jalsa ?? cancel ?? , ????? ??? ???? ??? ?? ??? ?? ????? ?? ?
???????? ??????? pic.twitter.com/USm4kZBEYo— Amitabh Bachchan (@SrBachchan) March 15, 2020
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