Yoga guru Baba Ramdev had ignited the anger of Indian healthcare professionals recently after he said his opinion about fighting the coronavirus outbreak. Baba Ramdev has claimed that he has found an Ayurvedic remedy that would help ward off coronavirus. The Indian healthcare professionals are questioning this claim of Baba Ramdev.
Baba Ramdev announced his claim in a promotional video released this week. “We’ve done scientific research and found Ashwagandha … doesn’t allow blending of corona protein with human protein”, he can heard saying in the video. He did not provide evidence for the research, which he said had been sent to an unspecified international journal.

There are currently no vaccines or drugs approved to treat or prevent COVID-19, only investigational COVID-19 vaccines and treatments under development.
The healthcare professionals says that these kinds of messages give a false sense of security.People who are not well educated, they are the ones who will get misled argues the professionals..
In a series of tweets, Ramdev also urged Indians to take up yoga to boost immunity, using the hashtag #YogaForCorona.
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