A group of young men and women have set up a web-based radio station in Kolkata broadcasting home-made entertainment programmes and information on the novel coronavirus outbreak for people locked down in their homes.
In order to interact with others at the time of social distancing, listeners are sharing their experiences during this period of home ‘incarceration’ in the ‘Radio Quarantine Kolkata’ which also offers sessions of reading short stories, reciting poems, singing songs or playing instruments.
“We thought this will help people interact and share their feelings in this hour of crisis. It will act as a binding factor among people stuck in their homes,” said Kasturi Basu, one of the key persons behind the initiative.
She said the radio programmes also consist of interviews, discussion on current affairs and quiz.
“We will be airing programmes on coronavirus, diaries of isolation and surviving the pandemic spring,” said Basu who is an independent filmmaker.
As children are also forced to spend time indoors, there is a one-hour slot for them, in which their audio clips of music, short story reading and poem recitals can be aired.
The radio streaming can be accessed on https://zeno.fm/radio-quarantine-kolkata/.
The web radio station has asked listeners of all ages to mail their recorded performances of 15 or 30-minute duration which can be broadcast if they meet the criteria. The email id has been given at the Facebook page of the radio station.
The web station evoked enthusiastic response from people, with some sending audio clips of songs and short stories.
“I want to send an interview,” posted one while another said, “Want to be a part.
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