Police officers, wearing gloves and masks, have been helping older Oxford residents bring groceries to their cars and handing out supplies to help “make seniors feel safe while shopping.” The act of reaching out to elders for their assistance has raised the popularity and respect of people towards law enforcement.
OPD has been deploying two officers to Kroger from 7-8 a.m. and Larson’s Cash Saver (8-9 a.m.) each morning. At Kroger, one officer has been assisting with loading groceries while another has been handing out gloves to shoppers. An officer who was involved with the assistance on Monday estimated he handed out between 200 and 250 pairs of gloves in the hour he spent at Kroger.
A police spokesman said the idea was suggested by an officer who thought assisting older citizens was a necessity, given the increased risks of coronavirus for older and immunosuppressed communities.
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