To defeat the Coronavirus, the Indian Army has launched Operation Namaste. Announcing this, Army Chief MM Naravane said that the army has successfully carried out all the operations of the past and will also successfully carry out Operation Namaste. Help line number has also been issued by the army.
The Army has built the Corona Help Line Center at Southeastern Command, Eastern Command, Western Command, Central Command, Northern Command, South Western Command and Delhi Headquarters and the number was released on Friday. Through this, people struggling with corona virus will be helped. If the common people want any information, it will also be provided.
Everyone is trying on their part to deal with the Coronavirus that has hit the country. From the Center to the State Governments are taking strict decisions, while the Indian Army is also fully prepared to deal with every challenge.
Army Chief MM Naravane said the Army is ready to take any step if needed. The Army has a ‘6-hour’ plan ready, under which the isolation center and ICU can be prepared immediately.
He said that the cases of corona virus are constantly increasing, in such a situation the need for medical service can increase further. All the soldiers of the Indian Army have been informed about the corona virus and have been asked to take necessary steps, so that no one will face any trouble.
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