Actress Sonam Kapoor Ahuja and Anand Ahuja have been quarantined at Anand’s Delhi house, but thanks to social media, this power couple makes sure to update their fans with their candid selfies, and videos. And while most of the B-town stars are working out at home amid quarantine, Sonam, too, is making sure to workout at home. And while browsing through the internet, we got our hands on a video which has a sweaty Sonam Kapoor working out. In the said video, Sonam Kapoor is heard saying, ‘Working out’ in her own swag while she is has her earphones on.
From cooking pancakes and pasta for hubby Anand Ahuja to recording videos of Anand and brother in law cutting each other’s hair, Sonam Kapoor has been fairly updating her fans. Also, since there are no shootings and promotions, Sonam is getting the opportunity to spend ample time with Anand at home, and therefore, recently, Sonam shared a loved up photo with Anand as the two were seen cuddling together and alongside the photo, Sonam wrote, “Rise up this mornin’ Smiled with the risin’ sun Three little birds Pitch by my doorstep Singin’ sweet songs Of melodies pure and true Saying’, (this is my message to you) Singing’ don’t worry ’bout a thing ‘Cause every little thing gonna be alright Singing’ don’t worry (don’t worry) ’bout a thing ‘Cause every little thing gonna be alright #everydayphenomenal #sleepyhungrybabya…”
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