President of Indian Muslim Foundation and the media coordinator of Shaheen Bagh protest, Shoaib Jamei, has has warned the media over coverage of Tablighi Jamaat. In a series of messages shared on his micro blogging website he has rised his warning over fake news that are spread against Muslim community.
Shoaib Jamei warned that the Indian media will have to pay one day for presenting Muslims in bad light.
“Indian media becomes 100 per cent anti-Muslim and communal. You have to pay one day for making lives of Muslims in danger by your fake news and propaganda. 25 crore Muslims are very angry people. I don’t know what is gonna happen next. #MajorThreatMediaVirus,” Jamei tweeted.
25 Crores means when you delibratly target Muslim community for corona spread, definitely these people will get angry . we don't believe in violence but legal fight is necessary.
— Dr. Shoaib Jamai (@shoaibJamei) April 7, 2020
He later deleted this message and softened his opinion by saying that the organizations of Muslims will file FIR against the media for spreading fake news and propaganda.
He added that 25 crores Muslims shouldn’t be taken lightly and the media channels will have to face the law of the land. He also asserted that though Muslims don’t believe in violence, but they will definitely put up a legal fight against the Indian media.
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