Defying the lockdown orders and violating the instruction to maintain social distancing as Covid-19 is spreading rapidly in the country, hundreds Muslims for Friday prayers. The incident is reported from West Bengal.
The national media reported that large number of people were gathered in a mosque of West Bengal’s Murshidabad for Friday prayers. The West Bengal state government did not take any against the people who violated the lockdwon orders.
Till now, no complaint has been registered against the Imam of the mosque and anyone who attended the gathering. The cop said that it is not possible to keep an eye on every mosque of that area as it is a Muslim majority area and there are many mosques there.
No lessons learned from the Nizamuddin Markaz misadventure.A large crowd gathered in Murshidabad Distt. West Bengal for the Friday namaz openly violating #lockdown #socialdistancing with no masks. Are these people exempted from all rules? pic.twitter.com/6Az4NP5LuD
— Sudhir Chaudhary (@sudhirchaudhary) April 10, 2020
Th government has imposed lockdown as mass gatherings increase the risk of transmission of the deadly virus. All the governments and experts are of opinion that social distancing is the only way to curb the spread of virus. But this act of people gathering has risked their own lives and their contacts.
When Mamata Banerjee was asked about the Jamaat cases in Bengal, she yelled, ‘Don’t ask communal questions’ and walked out in a huff.
Little did we know she hasn’t learnt any lesson from the Nizamuddin markaz as hundreds were allowed to come out for Friday namaaz in Murshidabad. pic.twitter.com/gXf16cSVV9
— Amit Malviya (@amitmalviya) April 10, 2020
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