Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s decision to step away from being senior royals sent shockwaves to fans across the globe earlier this year. The pair expressed a desire to become financially independent and work separately from the Royal Family, resulting in both condemnation and support from Royal Family enthusiasts over there ‘royal exit’.
But the Corona outbreak may have affected the young royal couples in their isolation, as per royal commentator Angele Mollard. Harry will now be reflecting on his decision to step away from the Royal Family and maybe feeling tremendously isolated.”He is someone who is very connected to his family as it is all he has ever known.” said Angela .”He had his life with his mum Princess Diana and his dad Prince Charles and then he had his life with them separately when they divorced.”,Angela added. When his mother Duchess of Wales prince Diana was alive, Prince Harry was always seen with her hanging on to her pinky finger. After his mother’s death, the Prince was close to Prince Charles and his elder brother Prince William.
Meghan Markle and Harry moved out of the royal palace as Meghan expressed discomfort in suiting herself to Royal chores.
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