Along with ‘Good Friday’, Christian society eagerly waits for ‘Easter’, because on Good Friday, where they are on the cross of Jesus Christ (Jesus Christ) While hanging, they are immersed in sorrow, while the news of Jesus’ rebirth on Easter makes them happy. People of the Christian family celebrate this day as a celebration.
Have a look about this auspicious day:
Why celebrate Easter festival
According to Christian beliefs, Jesus Christ was crucified on the day of Good Friday, thousands of years ago. But it is said that on the third day, he was revived. It is believed that after the rebirth, Jesus lived with his disciples for about 40 days. After this, he went to heaven forever, so the celebration of Easter festival is celebrated for a full 40 days, but officially the Easter festival lasts for 50 days. The people of Christianity celebrate this festival with great pomp and enthusiasm.
How to celebrate Easter
There is a slight variation in the way Easter is celebrated in different regions and churches. Usually, candles are lit in the church on this day. Many people of Christianity also light their houses with candles. And especially on this day, the Bible is recited. Christian society invites friends and relatives for food or dinner on this day. Giving home gifts or flowers to the guests, they honor him and take a pledge to walk the path of love, truth and forgiveness as told by the Lord Jesus.
Importance of eggs on Easter
Eggs are said to have special significance on the occasion of this Easter festival. On this day, the Christian community decorates the eggs beautifully and presents them as gifts to their friends and relatives. It is believed that eggs are the beginning of good days and the message of new life. It means to say that just as a new organism is produced from eggs, similarly we should forget everything and start a new life.
‘Easter’ festival beliefs
This festival of Easter is not limited to the joy of the resurrection of Christ, but is also a symbol of the golden change in life. The festival of Easter gives us the message that happiness also comes after the misery in human life, so one should not be shattered or disappointed by the sorrows in life. Those who crucified Jesus, God also loved them with sonship. He also requested God to forgive him. Followers of Lord Jesus believe that God sent his son as Jesus only for the salvation of humanity. He always gave a message of forgiveness to others. His followers believe that the Lord empowers those who believe in Christ to fight against all kinds of troubles.
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