Bollywood actor Ranjit Chowdhry who featured in noteworthy films like Khubsoorat and Basu Chatterjee’s Khatta Meetha and Baaton Baaton Mein has passed away at the age of 65. He was also a noted writer and director. Ranjit Chowdhry was the son of theatre personality Pearl Padamsee and was the brother to Raell Padamsee of Ace Productions. Ranjit Chowdhry played Jagan’s character in Rekha and Rakesh Roshan’s film, Khubsoorat which was helmed by ace director Hrishikesh Mukherjee. Ranjit’s sister, Raell Padamsee announced the news of the actor’s death on her Instagram account.
The theatre personality wrote that Ranjit Chowdhry passed away on 15 April 2020. Raell called Ranjit a maverick and added in her post that he will be missed dearly. The Bollywood actor, Ranjit Chowdhry had reportedly moved to the United States in the year 1980. He then featured in many US shows, including the classic show The Office with Hollywood actors like Steve Carell, Jenna Fischer, John Krasinski playing key roles. The news reports also suggest that the actor has written the screenplay for Deepa Mehta’s film, titled Sam & Me.
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