Dubai is once again accepting requests and will be granting permits to film various media projects across the Emirate according to a Dubai Film and Television Commission circular issued today. “Effectively immediately”, the notice sent out to business partners reads, “we are issuing filming permits, however, upon adhering the below measures and guidelines.”
Rules include many already implemented in public spaces such as malls. Temperature checks at entry points, two metre social distancing, and no buffets are just a few familiar protocols, however the list does contain some specific showbiz-related regulations. Casting, for example, is to be carried out remotely; all those on set must be between the ages of 18 and 60, there is to be no filming between the hours of 10pm and 6am, no more than 10 crew members will be allowed on set and makeup sessions are to use single-use implements.
In an effort to combat the COVID-19 pandemic and ensure public safety, filming permits were put on hold when Dubai’s sanitisation drive began. With the current easing of restrictions on public movement between 6am and 10pm cameras look poised to resume rolling.
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