Germany is slowly coming back to normal life after the Covid peak flattened for the past three weeks. This is unsurprising as Germany’s been regarded as one of the countries that have dealt with the pandemic extremely well. As of 14 May 2020, 174,948 cases had been reported with 7,928 deaths and approximately 150,300 recoveries in the country. On 6 May, Chancellor Angela Merkel said that the goal of slowing down the virus had been achieved and that the first phase of the pandemic was over while asking everyone to remain cautious so as not to cause a second wave.
As the previous restrictions enforced by the state-wide lockdown measures are being relaxed, restaurants start working with certain restrictions,
A cafe in Schwerin called “Café Rothe Schwerin” recently restarted its business by serving its patrons outside. It also made sure to space out the tables by 1.5m (4.9 feet) to keep some distance between the customers, which is what every restaurant ought to do.
However, the owner of “Café Rothe Schwerin”, Jacqueline Rothe, went the extra mile and came up with an ingenious idea to make sure the patrons keep their distance—pool noodles! Yup, you read that right. The business is using pool noodles attached to customers’ hats to help them with social distancing! The diners are handed over Pool noodle hats which they are required to wear. The diners are alerted when the end of the hat touches any others, and this ensures social distancing-pretty much like the whiskers of a cat.
Cafe Rothe Schwerin shared some pictures of its customers wearing pool noodle hats on Sunday. The customers are seen enjoying delicious Cakes and pastries offered at Cafe Rothe Schwerin at bay area. How ever, Jacqueline says that this is a temporary arrangement and will be discontinued once diners are accustomed to social distancing involuntarily.
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