A contingent worker of the Amritsar Municipal Corporation working in zone number 4, tested positive for Covid-19 yesterday.The sewer cleaner is the fourth Amritsar Municipal corporation worker to be tested positive for the virus.Earlier two sewer cleaners and a spray painter were confirmed to be Covid infected.
MC Commissioner Komal Mittal said more than 200 employees had been tested in the last few days. “A total of four employees have tested positive till date. The contacts of three found infected earlier have been traced while that of the sewerman are being traced and their tests will be conducted,” she said.
The manual scavengers and cleaning staff who are also front line soldiers in the battle against Covid are often deprived of the credit and applause.However the corporation has stepped up its defense after the fourth case and random tests of cleaning staffs and hand sanitiser stands have also been installed outside the offices.
“Sewermen and safai karamcharis of the Municipal Corporation working in the containment zones will be tested on a priority. We are also conducting random tests of employees working in public dealing offices,” said a health official.
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