Big budget Telugu movie starring Allu Arjun will get new shooting location. The films shooting was earlier fixed at dense forests of Kerala. The new locations will be at Andhra Pradesh and Telangana. The movie has an estimated budget of 100 Cr and is the first Allu Arjun movie with Hindi release. The movie also has Tamil, Kannada and Telugu versions.
“Yes, there are some really good locations in AP and Telangana and we have finalised them. Whenever the film industry decides to resume shooting, we are ready to start,” says director Sukumar.
The film industry is resuming stalled shooting after the lockdown, and many directors prefer outdoor locations as the urban areas are highly infected with Covid virus. Pushpa is a Telugu action-thriller movie starring Allu Arjun and new age sensation Rashmika Mandanna. Jayaram,Tabbu,Vijay Sethupathi and Prakash Raj also play important role in this movie directed and written by Sukumar.
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