The work of two researchers at Jadhavpur University is catching the attention of nation.The distinguished scientists are currently working on the development of a simulation programme which aims the tragic crash landing of India’s Chandrayan doesn’t repeat ever again.
Sayan Chatterjee, Associate Professor of Electronics and Telecommunications and Co-Investigator of the project, told PTI the simulation-based model takes into account the gradual spiral descent during touchdown of lander onto the surface to ensure it does not crashland and touches ground like a feather.
The spiralling is planned when the lander touches down during the terminal phase after getting an angular view if there is a rock or boulder at its landing site, Chatterjee said. Professor at the Department of Power Engineering, Dr Amitava Gupta said the research takes into account proper landing of the lander – how it moves, how it rotates and that it does not suddenly gain speed while landing due to gravitational pull and pushed back and forth by opposing forces helping it to slow down the descent.
“It is not merely all about the ongoing Chandrayaan series project of ISRO, apart from moon, the soft landing may be of use for ISRO’s mission to other planets,” he said.The project is part of “Respond programme” by ISRO with premier academic institutions related to space science, space technologies.
Chatterjee said for “planets where optical imaging will not work, the imaging has to be adapted appropriately. “We are involving undergraduate students as interns, allowing them to get an exposure of live projects,” Gupta said.
The Chandrayan 3 project is expected to culminate this year and the whole nation is looking upon these young researchers for the completion of their work.
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