In the commodity market the price of gold has slipped down again. This is the third day in a row that the price of yellow metal is felling down after touching a record high.
On the Multi Commodity Exchange (MCX) gold dipped 0.02% to Rs. 47,930 per 10 gram. In the previous session, gold had dipped 0.3%. Silver rates also declined marginally today today with futures on MCX down 0.1% to Rs. 48,075 per kg. Gold prices in India had hit a record high of Rs. 48,589 per 10 gram earlier this week.
in the Kerala market the price of sovereign gold was up Rs. 8 and reached at at Rs.35608 for 8 gram. Gold is priced at Rs. 4452 per gram.
In the international market the price of spot gold was up by 0.1% at US dollar 1,763.48 per ounce. Among other precious metals platinum eased 0.1% to US dollar 802.42 and silver fell 0.8% at US dollar 17.74.
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