On the 67 th episode of Mann ki baat PM Narendra Modi began his address saluting the Kargil warriors on Kargil Vijay divas,July 26.”On this day, we defeated Pakistan, we will never be able to forget this day.” “The war happened at a time and in a situation that nobody can forget. India wanted good relations with Pakistan, but that did not happen,” PM Narendra Modi said.He reminded the valor of the Kargil warriors to the world
Speaking on the pandemic situation in the country, PM Modi said, “COVID-19 recovery rate in our country is better than others. Our fatality rate is much less than other countries. We were able to save the lives of lakhs of people, but the threat of coronavirus is not over yet. It is spreading fast in many areas, we need to remain vigilant.”
We should take all precautions against coronavirus. Social distancing, wearing masks are necessary in our fight against the virus.Not wearing masks at this time will lower our guard against Covid virus,said PM urging every one the importance of wearing mask.
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