India has successfully test-fired its first-ever, fully manufactured by the private sector rockets – Pinaka. The Pinaka rockets were tested at a firing range in Pokhran, Rajasthan on Wednesday.
According to The Economic Times sources, six Pinaka rockets were test-fired as part of the final developmental trials. They achieved the desired results by accurately hitting targets. Manufactured by Economic Explosives Ltd (EEL), it became the first rockets to be fully made by the private sector in India.
This was possible after the company signed a technology transfer agreement with the state-owned Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO).
According to DRDO, Pinaka is an all-weather, indirect fire, free flight artillery rocket system with two pods containing 6 rockets each, capable of firing in salvo mode within 48 sec neutralizing the area of 700 x 500 m.
“It provides a unique capability to accurately deliver a devastatingly lethal and responsive fire against a variety of area targets such as exposed enemy troops, armoured and soft skin vehicles, communication centres, air terminal complexes, fuel and ammunition dumps.
The Pinaka weapon system consists of Rocket, Multi Barrel Rocket launcher, Battery Command Post, Loader cum Replenishment Vehicle, Replenishment Vehicle and Digicora MET Radar.”
Earlier, ammunitions of this class have been imported or have been manufactured by the public sector. The successful testing of the Pinaka symbolises another major achievement of the ‘Make in India’ campaign.
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