Australia ; A blue whale was spotted off the coast of Sydney in Australia for possibly only the third time in almost 100 years.The officials said the sea creature may have been more than 82 feet in length and weighed more than 1,00,000 kg.
It was the first-ever verified sighting off Sydney’s coast when it was pictured swimming near Maroubra, a beachside suburb on the country’s south-east coast, last month.The New South Wales National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) said it was an “extremely rare” sighting as blue whales – the largest animals on Earth – are not usually seen so close to the shore.
Blue whales are largely ‘invisible’ even to the most avid whale watchers and researchers as the creature is very rarely seen around the world.They are not often seen because they tend to live very far out to sea, their populations are widely dispersed and we have very limited data on its migration and critical habitat.
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