Popular Tamil actor Vishnu Vishal has got officially engaged to shuttle badminton player Jwala Gutta. Vishnu informed this on Monday through his social media page. They got engaged on Monday on the occasion of Jwala Gutta’s 37th birthday birthday.
“Happy birthday @Guttajwala New start to LIFE. Let’s be positive and work towards a better future for us, Aryan, our families, friends and people around. Need all your love n blessings guys. #newbeginnings. thank you @basanthjain for arranging a ring in d middle of d night.”, Vishnu tweeted.
Vishnu Vishal and Jwala Gutta have been dating for a couple of years now.
Vishnu was married to Rajini Natraj and the couple has a son named Aryan. They got married in 2010 and got divorced in 2018. Jwala Gutta was married to fellow Shuttler Chetan Anand for six years. They got married in 2005 and ended their marriage in 2011.