Mumbai ; Bollywood actress Rhea Chakraborty filed a complaint with the Mumbai Police against the actor’s sister Priyanka Singh and Dr Tarun Kumar of Delhi’s Ram Manohar Lohia Hospital over what she claimed a “bogus medical prescription” to help Sushant procure medicines to treat anxiety. Rhea also mentioned in her complaint that Priyanka molested her and demanded sexual relationship with her in 2019.
“Priyanka Singh started touching to my body with unusual behaviour and then she started molesting me and started demanding sexual relationship,” Rhea said in her complaint.Sushant died merely five days after obtaining the prescription in which he was unlawfully prescribed psychotropic substances,” Rhea Chakraborty said in her complaint.
“It is questionable that the actions of Priyanka Singh, Dr Tarun Kumar and others be investigated and that it be determined as to how they came to provide the deceased with such a bogus and unlawful prescription,” she added.In her complaint, Rhea said that the fabricated prescription sent via Whatsapp to Sushant by his sister stating the late Bollywood actor as being at a Delhi Out Patient Department when he was in Mumbai.Rhea’s complaint is based on WhatsApp texts between Sushant and Priyanka from June 8, six days before the actor was found hanging at his residence in Mumbai.
The chat shows that Priyanka suggested Sushant to take Librium for a week, Nexito every day and Lonazep for “whenever there is anxiety attack”.Notably, these medicines are prescribed to treat depression and anxiety. The Whatsapp chat also revealed that Priyanka told Sushant that she can help him connect with the “best doctor in Mumbai, all confidential”.
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