A snake that had been lodged on top of her front door landed on a Mississippi woman’s head. The encounter happened after the intruder made its way on top of Christina Mitchell’s door. “I felt this thump on my head, Mitchell said. I looked down and the snake had landed at my feet in the house.” The 10-inch serpent then darted to the kitchen while Mitchell called her husband to let him know about their new visitor. But she didn’t wait for help. She grabbed a broom and ushered the reptile out of her house.
“He did his striking pose because it was just a scared little rat snake, Mitchell said. He tried to bite at my broom whenever I put him outside. He probably thought that was really rude. We kind of had a stare-down. Her sparring partner looked like an Eastern Rat snake, a largely nonvenomous reptile. Mitchell was concerned since the animal had a large jaw, but she has been familiar with snakes since she was a child and says she would not go out of her way to kill an animal, even if it lands in her house.
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