WASHINGTON:- The 9.07-carat diamond was found in Diamond Park in southwest Arkansas by a bank manager. The diamond was discovered by Kevin Kinard, who visited Diamond State Park. This is the first time in 48 years that a large diamond has been found in the park. It is the second-largest diamond ever found here. Kevin has been a visitor here since childhood. Visitors are allowed to search for diamonds. Arkansas is the only diamond park in the world to be open to the public. Kevin came to visit Diamond Park with his friends. The glowing object was spotted while walking through the park. I immediately took it and put it in the bag. Kevin initially thought this would be a piece of glass. Kevin found it on the southeast side of the 37.5 – acre park. After bagging the shiny object, Kevin continued his search for hours.
He then went to the Diamond Discovery Center in the park with the shiny object he got at the insistence of friends who were with him. After the inspection, the staff revealed that Kevin had received the diamond. Recently the park was well uprooted and turned upside down. The area also received good rainfall last week. Officials conclude that this may have been a positive factor in Kevin getting the diamond. So far this year, 246 diamonds have been found here. Visitors to the park find at least one or two diamonds a day in the area. Anyway, Kevin and his friends are happy to have their first diamond.
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