The ‘mParivahan’ digital portal services launched by the Narendra Modi led union government will be implemented in Kerala. The ‘mParivahan’ was launched by the union government to avoid the intermediaries and to end corruption that has been prevailed in RTA offices across the country.
Corruption that has been concentrated in the RT offices can be stopped by implementing the new system. . The website is designed to provide information about vehicles and licenses in the country. The Union government’s plan was to digitalize the RT offices in the state along with Digital India campaign.
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By this new system the customers can register their vehicles, renew license and all other services directly by avoiding the agents and intermediaries.
A person can get all the services provided by the RT offices by having a smartphone ands ATM card. A person can take the print of Learner’s license (new / renewed), driving license, vehicle registration and fitness certificate.
The applicant will receive a message on his mobile phone at the time of obtaining the new license, renewal of the license, registration of new vehicles, transfer of the vehicle, receipt of the new RC book and completion of the procedure at the RT office. It is available in digital format in M.Parivahan mobile application and Digi Locker. It can be produced before the inspection officer during the vehicle inspection. The applicant will receive the original documents of the driving license from the office or by post within 15 days.
The website is designed in a such a way that a person can get all the details regarding vehicles available in the country and the information’s regarding registration , license and all other details.
The details of RC, DL, fitness validity, insurance validity and permit validity are available on a real-time basis on this mobile app by entering the DL or the vehicle’s registration number pertaining to the vehicles.
The mParivahan mobile app is being provided by the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways through NIC. This app can be used to easily access important documents like driving license, vehicle registration certificate, insurance validity among other things. The app also has a feature to create virtual RC and DL, which is considered an authentic proof.
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