The police had busted a betting racket indulged in Indian Premier League (IPL) betting. The Crime Suspension Team (CST) of Jaipur Police Commissionerate had also arrested 3 persons and recovered 8.20 lakh rupees from them.
Police had also recovered records of transactions worth crore of rupees from a house and 15 kg of silver bricks were seized from their possession. Police has also recovered 14 mobiles, WiFi router, two LED TVs and two laptops .
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The arrested persons were identified as Mahendra Kumar, Siddharth Agarwal and Ashish Agarwal.
Police had registered a case under Sections 420 (cheating), 120 B (Criminal Conspiracy) of IPC and under Rajasthan Gambling Ordinance against those arrested persons and searches for other persons involved in betting is still on.