The definition of ‘Death row’ is that it is a special section of a prison that houses inmates who are awaiting execution after being sentenced to death for the conviction of capital crimes. In some states in America and other countries with legal capital punishment, there exists an interesting custom for criminals on death row – the infamous last meal. Convicted offenders get the opportunity to select any food and drink of their choice within certain regulations on the eve of their execution.
Here are some of the strangest meals ever recorded;
John Spenkelink
John Spenkelink was convicted of one count of murder and armed robbery and put to death in Florida State Prison, Florida in 1979 – but not before one final celebration. Spenkelink was a heavy drinker. So, he denied any special food, but asked for a single flask of Jack Daniels instead, which he shared with the prison superintendent.
James Edward Smith
This convicted felon had one of the most bizarre last-meal requests ever recorded. James Edward Smith was handed the death sentence for fatally shooting a man during an armed robbery in Texas in 1983, and, when it came down to his final meal request in 1990, all he wanted was a lump of soil.
Steven Michael Woods Jr.
Steven Woods was sentenced to death after a jury convicted him of the capital murders of a young drug dealer and his wife. His final motion for a stay was denied on September 2, 2011. 11 days later he was executed by lethal injection. He had a crazy last meal request, which is as follows:
Victor Harry Feguer
In 1963, 28-year-old Victor Harry Feguer received a death sentence by hanging for kidnap-murder. For his final meal, the young man had only one request: a single olive with the pit left in.
Timothy McVeigh
Timothy McVeigh was the American terrorist behind the Oklahoma City bombing which killed 168 people and 680 others were injured. He was put to death in Indiana by lethal injection at the age of 33. He was sentenced to death for 168 counts of murder. For his last meal, McVeigh requested two pints of mint chocolate chip ice cream.
John Wayne Gacy
Serial killer John Wayne Gacy was put to death in Illinois by lethal injection at the age of 52. The Killer Clown was sentenced to death for the rape and 33 counts of murder. For his last meal, Gacy requested 12 fried shrimp, a bucket of original recipe KFC, french fries, and a pound of strawberries.
Robert Alton Harris
Robert Alton Harris was executed by gas chamber in 1992 for the 1978 murders of two teenage boys in San Diego. His execution was the first in the state of California since 1967.For his last meal, he wanted: A 21-piece bucket of Kentucky Fried Chicken, two large Domino’s Pizzas, ice cream, a bag of jelly beans, a six-pack of Pepsi, and a pack of Camel cigarettes.
Aileen Wuornous
Known as ‘America’s first female serial killer’ Aileen Wuornos also requested a beverage before taking her last breath in 2002, but of a different kind: a single cup of black coffee was all she wanted.
David Leon Woods
Convicted murderer David Leon Woods spent a whopping 22 years on death row before he was put to death on May 4th, 2007 in Michigan, Indiana. When the daunting moment finally came, Woods had a fairly simple request for his last meal – he chose a standard pizza and an entire birthday cake, both of which he shared with his family.
Peter J. Miniel
Convicted killer Peter J. Miniel could give Lawrence Russel Brewer a run for his money for one of the biggest orders ever served on death row in 2004. Miniel confessed to his crimes of murder and robbery and was ‘ready to pay the price’, but not before he gorged himself on this whopping order. He requested: 20 beef tacos, 20 beef enchiladas, 2 double cheeseburgers, a pizza with jalapenos, fried chicken, spaghetti with salt, and a modest desert of ½ a chocolate cake, ½ a vanilla cake, cookies & cream ice cream, caramel pecan fudge ice cream, and a small fruit cake. To wash it all down he also had two lots of Coke, Pepsi, root beer, and orange juice – maybe he intended to explode Henry 8th style before facing the music.
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