Under the newly-announced guidelines of ‘Unlock 5’, all cinema halls, theatres and multiplexes will reopen from October 15. Union Information and Broadcasting Minister PrakashJavadekar announced that all COVID-19 guidelines and standard operating protocols (SOPs) issued by the I&B Ministry must be followed at all cinema halls and theatres. It should be noted that cinema halls across the country are shut since March 24, 2020, when Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced a nationwide lockdown to combat coronavirus pandemic.
Here is the list of SOPs for cinema halls:
- People must maintain a physical distance of at least 6 feet outside the auditoriums, common areas, and waiting areas at all times
- Face covers/masks are mandatory at all times
- Hand sanitizers, preferably in the touch-free mode, should be available at entry and exit points as well as common areas within the premises
- Digital transactions should be the most preferred mode for booking, verification, or payments for tickets, food, and beverages, etc
- Contact number shall be taken while booking of tickets to facilitate contact tracing
- The temperature in cinema halls must be maintained between 23 to 30 degree Celsius
- Respiratory etiquettes to be strictly followed. This involves covering one’s mouth and nose while coughing or sneezing with a tissue/handkerchief/flexed elbow and disposing of used tissues properly.
- People must self-monitor their health and report any illness at the earliest to state and district helpline.
- Spitting is strictly prohibited
- Installation and use of Aarogya Setu App is advised to all
- Thermal screening of visitors and staff must be carried out at entry points. Only asymptomatic individuals shall be allowed to enter the premises
- The audience must exit in a staggered manner to avoid crowding
- Sufficient interval time between screenings shall be provided to ensure staggered entry and exit of the audience
- Seating arrangements inside the theatres must ensure physical distancing
- Seats that are “Not to be occupied” shall be marked as such during the booking
- Only packaged food and beverages shall be allowed
- Delivery of food and beverage inside the hall is prohibited
- The show commencement time, intermission period, and finish time of a show at any screen shall not overlap with that of another screen in a multiplex
- Cinema halls must undertake safety measures for staff members such as adequate provisions for rational use of gloves, boots, masks, PPE, etc.
- Public Service Announcements on wearing masks, maintaining physical distancing and hygiene within and outside the premises shall be made before the screening, during intermission, and after the screening
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