An earthquake measuring 6.3 Richter scale rocked Indonesia’s eastern province of Maluku on Sunday, but did not cause damage or casualty, officials said. The meteorology and geophysics agency did not issue a tsunami warning, as the quake did not potentially trigger giant waves. The quake jolted at 10:43 p.m. Jakarta time (0343 GMT) with the epicenter at 193 km northeast Maluku Barat Daya district and the depth at 196 km under the sea bed, the agency said.
The intensity of the quake was felt at II to III MMI (Modified Mercalli Intensity) in Saumlaki town, and II MMI in Dobo town, it said. In the nearest area with the epicenter, there were no reports of damaged buildings or casualty, and the jolts were felt weak, said Yushua Philippus, head of the operational unit of Disaster Management Agency in the district.” It is safe. No damages were caused by the tremors. In the closest area with the epicenter, Babar island, we have checked. It is safe there,” he told Xinhua. Indonesia has been often hit by earthquakes as it sits on a vulnerable quake-impacted zone called “the Pacific Ring of Fire.” Enditem
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