India’s only tri-service command, the Andaman and Nicobar Command (ANC) has conducted a three-day joint services exercise. The exercise named ‘Bull Strike’ was conducted at the remotely located Teressa Island in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands on 3 to 5 November.
Indian Army’s Parachute Brigade, Navy’s marine commandos (MARCOS) warships, and aircraft of the Indian Air Force has attended the joint exercise. As part of this exercise, Para commandos were flown in from the mainland on a C-130J transport aircraft of the Indian Air Force.
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“The major training activities comprised combat free fall and para drop from strategic lift aircraft C-130 by a company of Para Commandos from the mainland, action by MARCOS of Indian Navy and Special Heli Borne Operations (SHBO) by Indian Army Ghatak platoons,” said an official.